上海舜安精密机械有限公司专业专注于制造各类高精密弹簧夹头,精密筒夹,内涨内撑弹簧夹头,异形非标弹簧夹套等,专业厂家,值得信赖。 ShunAn Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.specialized in manufacturing all kinds of high precision collet chuck, spring collet, core rising collet and customized collet with professional knowledge. 上海舜安公司精密型“合金弹簧夹头(索咀)、合金导套(扶咀)”夹头,导套适用于日本、瑞士、德国、韩国等生产的数控车床、自动车床上(如西铁城、野村、津上、宫野、马扎克、森精机、江黑、大和、星精密、理研、托纳斯、特劳伯、北村、韩华、哈挺等)。非标准件可来图、来样订制。同时供应机床配套用送料机料夹,中轴等配件(送料机厂家如冠通,中意,育良和镨锣等) Our high precision spring collets and guide bushes can be used on the CNC lathe which made by such countries as Japan, Swiss, Germany, Sou..