上海舜安精密机械有限公司制造数控车床配件。公司宗旨:结合专业知识,根据用户客观需求,制造质量稳定的高性价比产品,为用户创造更多额外价值。 Shanghai ShunAn Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. specializing?in?the?production?of CNC lathe accessories. Our mission: manufacture reliable products at competitive prices and create more additional value for the user with our professional knowledge. 上海舜安公司精密型“合金弹簧夹头(索咀)、合金导套(扶咀)”夹头,导套适用于日本、瑞士、德国、韩国等生产的数控车床、自动车床上(如西铁城、野村、津上、宫野、马扎克、森精机、江黑、大和、星精密、理研、托纳斯、特劳伯、北村、韩华、哈挺等)。非标准件可来图、来样订制。同时供应机床配套用送料机料夹,中轴等配件(送料机厂家如冠通,中意,育良和镨锣等) Our high precision spring collets and guide bushes can be used on the CNC lathe which made by such countries as Japan, Swiss, Germany, South Korea and etc. The CNC lathe named CITIZEN,TSUGAMI,MIYANO,NOMURA,RIKEN,STAR,TORNOS,KITAMURA,HARDINGE,MAZAK/LG-MAZAK, MOESEIK, DAIWA, TRAUB, HANWHA and etc. Special parts can be customized according to the drawing or sample.We also supply finger chuck , mid-shaft and other accessories which be used on the bar feeder made by LNS, IEMCA, IKURA, PRO and so on. 公司同时提供车床用良好,ER筒夹,车削刀座,主轴锥套,轴承座,卡爪,变径套等车床配件。 We also supply lathe accessories such as tail-stock center, ER collet, tool holder, spindle sleeve, bearing holder, chuck jaws and boring bar sleeve. 上海舜安公司已与诸多**企业包括舍弗勒,NSK,上海机床厂,海立,沪东重机,丰田通商,医乐世,富士高电子,GREEN等建立长期业务关系。专业的售前咨询指导,高效的售后服务响应,期待为您创造价值,实现共赢。 We have established long-term relationship with such well-known enterprises as Schaeffler, NSK, Shanghai Machine tools Factory, Hitachi, Hudong Shipbuilding, Toyota-tsusho, Elos Medtech, Easyface and GREEN.Professional pre-sales consulting with efficient after-sales service response, We expecting to create value for you and achieve a win-win situation with you. ?????? ???????????? ????????? ??